Frequently asked questions

What are the welcome schedules of the hotel

The welcome schedules are 6h30 am to 11h30 pm

When should I present myself to the reception ?

You should present yourself to the reception before 6 pm if your reservation hasn't been confirmed. 11 pm otherwise.

Can I extend my stay to the hotel once there ?

Yes ! But depending on the room availability.

Is the hotel adapted to disabled peoples ?

Yes, our hotel have some rooms adapted to disabled peoples

Does the hotel have a parking ?

Yes, our hotel have a free parking.

Avez-vous des chambres fumeur ? Can we smoke in rooms ?

No, every rooms are non-smoking area

Is there a phone in the rooms

Yes, there is a phone in every rooms

Is it possible to get access to internet in my room ?

Yes, every rooms have an wifi internet access

Quelle est la procédure d'annulation de ma réservation ? How can I cancel my booking ?

You have to cancel your booking at least 48 hours in advance

To book a room
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